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The largest specialist of keyboards will be providing Glory Star Touch solutions to the UK market

JAN. 2020

MILTON KEYNES, LONDON announced that KeyBoard Specialist UK, the largest specialist of keyboards will be providing Glory Star touch solutions to the UK Market.

MILTON KEYNES, LONDON announced that KeyBoard Specialist UK, the largest specialist of keyboards will be providing Glory Star touch solutions to the UK Market.

What are the benefits to the market for the partnership between KBS and Glory Star?

Glory Star Touch Tablets are an extension to KBS ‘s keyboard solutions, for all applications where there is a need to display more information and control commands that require layers of information. Through the partnership with Glory Star, KBS will be able to provide local solutions for integration of touch tablets.

Data collection is important to every company for making better decisions for their clients, and a touch interface control platform allows for data to be driven through calculated touches; an example of this would be a coffee machine would be able to collect data for the quantity and types of coffee being ordered, sending information back to the cloud which allows for product improvements and/or adjust the quantity and types of coffee required for each location.

KBS has profound experience in keyboard control fields of Banking, Retail & POS, Dental and Medical and enhancing their portfolio to include Glory Star Android or Windows touch screens will be game changing.

About KeyBoard Specialist (KBS)

KBS has grown rapidly to become one of the largest specialist internet retailers of Keyboards and Keyboard Accessories in the UK and around the World, distributing and selling special keyboards and customisable accessories since 2006.

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